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WavePro 7200

  • ModelWavePro 7200
  • MakerLecroy
  • Description2 GHz Oscilloscope, 225ps
  • Rental문의요망
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The WavePro 7000A Series oscilloscope offers the sophisticated analysis capability of a top line oscilloscope with the all-round utility of a general purpose instrument. In 1 GHz to 3 GHz bandwidth applications, the WavePro delivers fast, accurate measurements associated more often with high-end lab oscilloscopes. Common Jitter and Timing measurements for clock and timing analysis enhance its capabilities. Wrap this performance in a very attractive price, and the LeCroy WavePro oscilloscope is the ideal solution for your test needs.

Unleash the Breakthrough Power of X-Stream Technology

X-Stream Technology is an extremely fast streaming architecture that enables high throughput of data-even when the WavePro oscilloscope is performing complex measurements. It does so by eliminating the trade-offs between long memory lengths and quick processing.

ustomize the User Interface to Meet Specific Needs

X-Stream Technology enables the insertion of user’s custom analysis routines directly into the processing chain of the WavePro oscilloscope. Easily write a Visual Basic script, MATLAB®, Mathcad®, or Excel function and seamlessly integrate it into the oscilloscope’s processing chain without running “off line,” establish a remote communication between the oscilloscope and another program, create a new reference waveform, or transfer large data files between the oscilloscope and another program.

ne-touch Control Equals Frictionless Testing

Operation of the WavePro oscilloscope is easy and intuitive. The descriptor fields show the oscilloscope settings and status. Touch the screen once to open a setup dialog and change settings.Touch “Measure”and “Horizontal” descriptors to see multiple common timing parameters. Math, histograms, statistics, and other analysis tools are all within two touches.

Comprehensive Suite of Analysis Options

The WavePro 7000A Series takes WaveShape Analysis options to a new level. The following software packages dramatically expand the capabilities of WavePro oscilloscopes and enable engineers to trouble-shoot circuits in more productive ways.

  WavePro 7200A
2 GHz
상승시간 (typical)
Color 10.4 inch Flat Panel TFT-LCD with High Resolution Touch Screen
싱글 샷 샘플 속도
10 GS/s
반복샘플 속도(RIS)
200 GS/s
수직 분해능
8 bits; up to 11 bits with enhanced resolution (ERES)
주파수 제한
25 MHz, 200 MHz
최대 입력 전압
50Ohms: 5VRMS;
1 MOhms: 100VMAX
입력 임피던스
50Ohms +/-1.50%;
1MOhms +/-1.25%
입력 커플링
DC 50 Ohms ; DC, AC, Gnd on 1 MOhm





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    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
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