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NSG 2050 – PNW 2052100KHz Ringwave + CDN131 Pulse Coupling Network

  • ModelNSG 2050
  • MakerSchaffner
  • DescriptionEMC Test System
  • OptionPNW 2052100KHz Ringwave + CDN131 Pulse Coupling Network
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Teseq(Schaffner) NSG 2050은 기본 국내 및 국제 표준 준수부터 세부 설계 특성화, 제조업체 자체 준수에 이르기까지 다양한 테스트 사양을 충족할 수 있는 매우 다양한 모듈식 다중 역할 EMC 테스트 시설입니다. 더욱 엄격한 EMC 사양. 모듈성은 각 테스트 연구소에 비용 효율적으로 테스트 요구 사항에 맞는 구성을 제공하는 동시에 확장성을 유지하므로 테스트 요구 사항이 증가하고 변화함에 따라 System 2050을 그에 따라 확장하여 투자를 보호할 수 있습니다.
Pulse Voltage 6.6 kV max
Repetition Rate Depends on the PNW
Phase positioning Synchronous from 0 – 359° or asynchronous
Polarity Positive, negative or alternating
Internal Impedance Depends on the PNW
Pulse Rise Time Depends on the PNW
Pulse Width Depends on the PNW
Remote Control Input RS 232 port on the rear panel


Pulse Networks, PNW
PNW 2050 (installed in top unit)

Produces the following pulses to satisfy the requirements of the standards: IEC 1000-4-5 (IEC801-5) / EN 61000-4-5 / IEEE C62.41 / IEEE 587 / etc.

Hybrid Pulse 1.2/50 µs (open-circuit) 200 V to 6.6 kV; 8/20 µs (short-circuit) at up to 3.3 kA
Pulse Form 1.2/50 µs (open-circuit); 8/20 µs (short-circuit into 2 ohms impedance)
Voltage 200 V to 6600 V adjustable in 10 V steps
Short-Circuit Current 100 A to 3300 A into 2 ohms impedance; 16.6 A to 550 A into 12 ohms impedance
Impedance 2 ohms, 12 ohms
Polarity P (positive), N (negative), A (alternating)
Pulse Outputs Earth-free (floating)
Repetition 10 s to 10000 s
Number of pulses 1 to 9999


PNW 2051

Produces the following pulses to satisfy the requirements of the standards: IEC 1000-4-5 (IEC801-5) / CCITT / NF C98-010 / etc.:

Telecom Pulse 0.5/700 µs (open-circuit) 200 V to 6.6 kV. 10/700 µs (short-circuit) 200 V to 6.6 kV
Pulse Form 0.5/700 µs (open-circuit); 10/700 µs (short-circuit)
Voltage 200 V to 6600 V adjustable in 10 V steps
Short-Circuit Current 13.3A to 440 A into 15 ohms impedance; 5 A to 165 A into 40 ohms impedance
Impedance 15 ohms, 40 ohms
Polarity P (positive), N (negative), A (alternating)
Pulse Outputs Earth-free (floating)
Repetition 15 s to 10000 s
Number of pulses 1 to 9999


PNW 2052

Produces the following pulses to satisfy the requirements of the standards: IEEE C62.41 / C 1000-4-12 / etc.:

Ring-wave 0.5 µs/100 kHz (open circuit) 200 V to 6.6 kV
Pulse Form 0.5 µs/100 kHz (open-circuit)
Voltage 200 V to 6600 V adjustable in 10 V steps
Short-Circuit Current: 16.6 A to 550 A into 12 ohms impedance
6.6 A to 220 A into 30 ohms impedance
1 A to 33 A into 200 ohms impedance
Impedance 12 ohms, 30 ohms, 200 ohms
Polarity P (positive), N (negative), A (alternating)
Pulse Outputs Earth-free (floating)
Repetition 10 s to 10000 s
Number of pulses 1 to 9999


PNW 2055

Hybrid pulse 1.2/50 µs (open circuit) 200 V to 4.4 kV; 8/20 µs (short-circuit) at up to 2.2 kA with built in Coupler
Pulse Form 1.2/50 µs (open circuit); 8/20 µs (short-circuit into 2 ohms impedance)
Voltage 200 V to 4400 V adjustable in 10 V steps
Short-Circuit Current 100 A to 2200 A into 2 ohms impedance
16.6 A to 366.6 A into 12 ohms impedance
Impedance 2 ohms, 12 ohms
Polarity P (positive), N (negative), A (alternating)
Repetition 10 s to 10000 s
Number of pulses 1 to 9999
Phasing Asynchronous, synchronous over 0 to 359°


Technical data concerning the built-in CDN in the PNW 2055


Coupling Modes 2 ohms: L -> N
12 ohms: L -> PE, N -> PE, L+N -> PE
* The pulses can only be coupled into the mains feed via the internal, single-phase coupling network (CDN)
Number of phases 1
Voltage, 50/60 Hz 20…230 Veff.
Current 16A, continuous


Surge Coupling: single-phase coupling network 20V to 230Vac, 50/60Hz  25A continuous, 30A for 0.5 hour
Burst Coupling: CDN 151 option
Mechanical: 310 x 449 x 510, 22kg approx


PNW 2052

Produces the following pulses to satisfy the requirements of the standards: IEEE C62.41 / C 1000-4-12 / etc.:

Ring wave: 0.5µs/100kHz, 200V to 6600V up to 550A
Impedance: 12Ω, 30Ω and 200Ω
Pulse rep: 10s to 10000s

Ring-wave 0.5 µs/100 kHz (open circuit) 200 V to 6.6 kV
Pulse Form 0.5 µs/100 kHz (open-circuit)
Voltage 200 V to 6600 V adjustable in 10 V steps
Short-Circuit Current: 16.6 A to 550 A into 12 ohms impedance
6.6 A to 220 A into 30 ohms impedance
1 A to 33 A into 200 ohms impedance
Impedance 12 ohms, 30 ohms, 200 ohms
Polarity P (positive), N (negative), A (alternating)
Pulse Outputs Earth-free (floating)
Repetition 10 s to 10000 s
Number of pulses 1 to 9999





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    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
    - 이용기간: 원칙적으로 개인정보 수집 및 이용목적이 달성된 후에는 해당 정보를 지체 없이 파기합니다.
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