리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기

N4010A – 101 103 110

  • ModelN4010A
  • MakerAgilent
  • DescriptionWireless Connectivity Test Set,
  • Option101 103 110
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망

Wireless Connectivity Test Set

The Keysight Technologies, Inc. N4010A wireless connectivity test set is a measurement solution that
helps you achieve low cost and efficient testing of products and components that incorporate Bluetooth,
Wireless LAN (WLAN), ZigBee, and other emerging wireless connectivity technologies.
The Keysight N4011A MIMO/Multi-port adapter is a 1/4-rack width unit used in conjunction with an
N4010A test set. The N4011A provides additional features that support production testing of multi-port
MIMO-capable devices under test (DUTs). The MIMO adapter provides a switch matrix to connect the
multi-ports of the DUT to the RF IN/OUT port of an N4010A.
This configuration guide is intended to assist with the ordering process for options, hardware, and
software accessories for the N4010A wireless connectivity test set. Contact your local Keysight
representative for additional information.
The standard N4010A product includes:
– Getting Started guide in hardcopy
– CD-ROM containing the documentation set and all necessary software components
– Country-specific power cord
– USB adapter cable (part number 8121-1354)
– Keysight Automation-Ready CD-ROM (part number E2094-60003)
– Carry handle kit
– Rackmount flange kit
– I/O connectivity (Option 110) to enable use of N4010A with signal creation or analysis software tools,
such as 89601B and 89607A vector signal analyzer software, Signal Studio and N4017A Bluetooth
graphical measurement application
At least one wireless standard option (Option 101, 102, or 103) must be ordered with the standard
N4010A product.
The standard N4011A product includes:
– Installation Guide in hard copy
– Lock link kit
– Semi-rigid cable (connects the N4011A to the N4010A RF IN/OUT)
– 25-way D-sub cable (auxiliary in/out connection


N4010A-103: 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz WLAN Tx/Rx analysis

N4010AK-110:I/O connectivity upgrade





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    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
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