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MT8820C – 008 017 LTE FDD

  • ModelMT8820C
  • MakerAnritsu
  • DescriptionRadio Communication Analyzer
  • Option008 017 LTE FDD
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망

RF tests for LTE-Advanced DL CA, LTE, 2G and 3G terminals
Market-leading TD-SCDMA functionality including HDPA and HSDPA Evolution
Fast test times for R&D, service and manufacturing
Supports manufacturing including non-signaling UE calibration and functional tests
Backwards compatibility with MT8820A/B
Parallelphone™ measurement option for testing 2 phones at once

The Radio Communication Analyzer MT8820C platform covers 30 MHz to 2.7 GHz (3.4 GHz to 3.8 GHz valid only if MT8820C–018 is installed). Installing optional software and hardware supports evaluation of key TRx characteristics for LTE–Advanced FDD ⁄ TDD DL CA, LTE FDD ⁄ TDD, W–CDMA ⁄ HSPA ⁄ HSPA Evolution ⁄ DC–HSPA ⁄ 4C–HSDPA, TD–SCDMA ⁄ TD–HSPA ⁄ TD–HSDPA Evolution, GSM ⁄ GPRS ⁄ EGPRS, and PHS ⁄ ADVANCED PHS terminals.

One MT8820C supports high-speed batch measurements of RF TRx characteristics and call connection tests for 2G/3G/4G mobile terminals. In addition, installing the MX882012C/13C supports RF TRx tests required for manufacturing LTE FDD/TDD terminals and data cards. The MX882012C/13C supports 2×2 MIMO DL LTE Rx throughput tests too.


001(2) W-CDMA Measurement Hardware
002(2) TDMA Measurement Hardware
003(2) CDMA2000 Measurement Hardware
005(2) 1xEV-DO Measurement Hardware
008(2) LTE Measurement Hardware
012 Parallel Phone Measurement Hardware
017 Extended RF Hardware*1
018 Extended RF 3.4 GHz to 3.8 GHz
(requires MT8820C-017, MT8820C-119, or MT8820C-120)
MX882000C W-CDMA Measurement Software
MX882001C GSM Measurement Software (requires MT8820C-002)
MX882001C-011 EGPRS Measurement Software (requires MX882001C)
MX882001C-041 GSM High-speed Adjustment (requires MX882001C)
MX882002C CDMA2000 Measurement Software
MX882006C 1xEV-DO Measurement Software
MX882006C-011 1xEV-DO Rev. Measurement Software
MX882010C Parallel Phone Measurement Software*5
                         [requires MT8820C-012, the two same measurement hardware(2 board/set) and one measurement software]
MX882012C LTE FDD Measurement Software*2 (requires MT8820C-008)
MX882012C-016 LTE FDD CS Fallback to W-CDMA/GSM*7 (requires MX882012C)
MX882013C LTE TDD Measurement Software*2 (requires MT8820C-008)
MX882050C W-CDMA Call Processing Software*2, *12 (requires MX882000C)
MX882050C-007 W-CDMA Band XII, XIII, XIV, XIX, XX, XXI*2, *13 (requires MX882050C)
MX882050C-008 W-CDMA Band XI*2 (requires MX882050C)
MX882050C-009 W-CDMA Band IX*2 (requires MX882050C)

    MT8820C – 008 017 LTE FDD





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    - 수집항목: 이름, 연락처, 이메일, 주소
    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
    - 이용기간: 원칙적으로 개인정보 수집 및 이용목적이 달성된 후에는 해당 정보를 지체 없이 파기합니다.
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