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Fluke 79-3

  • ModelFluke 79-3
  • MakerFLUKE
  • DescriptionTrue RMS Digital Multi-meter Fluke 79-3
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망

Fluke 79-3 TRUE RMS Multimeter, Industrial

Introducing the rugged new Fluke 70 Series III Digital Multimeters

Rough handling and high voltage are tough on a meter. But the new Fluke 70 Series III DMMs take it all in stride.

They’re built tough inside and out. With overvoltage protection to guard against spikes up to 6 kV, and safety ratings to prove it. They even protect against measuring voltage if the knob is accidentally set on ohms. Plus, their rugged, overmolded body armor case offers constant protection no matter how much you throw them around.

As tough as they are, the 70 Series III DMMs are very easy on you. The tapered design fits more easily in your hand, pocket, and tool box. The high-contrast displays are 20% larger, with extra large characters that are easy to read from a distance. Plus, there’s easier access to Fluke’s patented TouchHold® mode which automatically captures the measurement, beeps, and locks it on the digital display for later viewing.

No matter how tough your job is, the new Fluke 70 Series III DMMs are even tougher. There are eight models to choose from. And of course, they’re backed by a lifetime warranty.

  • Continuity Beeper
  • Diode Test
  • Display Counts
    • 70/73, 21/75, 23/77 – 3200
    • 26/79 – 4000
  • Analog Bargraph
  • Automatic Touch Hold
  • Fused Current Inputs – 73 (not 70), 21/75, 23/77, 26/79
  • Lead Resistance Compensation – 26/79
  • Lo Ohms – 26/79
  • TRMS – 26/79
  • Premium Electrician’s Test Lead Set – 21, 23, 26
  • IEC 1010 Rating
    • 70/73 – 600V CAT II





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    - 수집항목: 이름, 연락처, 이메일, 주소
    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
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