리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기


  • ModelHA097+20KSC2
  • MakerJDS Uniphase
  • DescriptionOptical Attenuator
  • Rental문의요망
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The JDSU HA097 is a Singlemode 9/125 µm optical attenuator.

The JDS Uniphase Programmable Attenuator HA097 model has a wide wavelength range of 1200-1700 nm.

It has an attenuation range of 100 dB and a resolution of 0.01 dB.

This HA097+20KSC1 has no built-in option.

The port type is bulkheads on front with SC/PC connectors. JDSU HA097 attenuators can also be fitted with 10/90, 2/98, 50/50, 30/70 couplers or 1:2 switch option.

The H097 Series has a SCPI/HP8156A compatible command set and they can be controlled either from the front panel keypad or by GPIB (IEEE 488.2) and RS232 interfaces.

  • Operating wavelength range: 1200-1700 nm
  • Attenuation range: 100 dB
  • Attenuation resolution: 0.01 dB
  • Attenuation change rate: > 2.5 s
  • Attenuation accuracy: ± 0.1 dB
  • Return Loss: > 45 dB
  • Maximum optical input power: 200 mW
  • PDL: 0.03 dB typical and 0.08 dB maximum
  • Remote control: GPIB and RS232





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