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리퍼비시 계측기


  • ModelFLUKE-1750
  • MakerFLUKE
  • DescriptionFluke 1750 Three-Phase Power Quality Logger
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망
  • Three-phase power quality recorder with an Android tablet wireless front panel interface
  • Complies with IEC 61000-4-30 Class-A standards for correct evaluation of all measured values
  • Supports quick and reliable configuration even in awkward test locations with the wireless interface that provides a window into what the instrument is recording
Technical Specifications
Power quality measurement standards Conformance IEC 61999-1-4 Class 1, IEC 61000-4-30 Class A, S or B depending on measurement function, IEEE519, IEEE1159, IEEE1459 and EN50160
Clock/calendar Leap years, 24-hour clock
Real-time clock accuracy Not more than ±1 s/day
Internal memory capacity for data At least 2 GB
Maximum recording period At least 31 days
Measurement time control Automatic
Maximum number of events Limited only by the size of the internal memory
Power requirements 100 to 240 V rms ±10%, 47-63 Hz, 40 W
Operating time during interruptions (internal UPS operation) 5 minutes per interruption, 60 minutes total operating time without recharging
Dimensions 215 x 310 x 35 mm (8.5 x 12.2 x 3.5 in)
Mass (weight) 6.3 kg (14 lb)
Input Measurement types One Phase Plus Neutral, One Phase IT No Neutral, One Phase Split Phase, Three Phase Wye, Three Phase Delta, Three Phase IT, Three Phase High Leg, Three Phase Open Leg, 2 Element Delta, 21/2 Element Wye
Input channels Voltage: 4 channels, AC/DC
Current: 5 channels
Voltage channels Input resistance: 2 MΩ
Input capacitance: < 20 pF
Current input characteristics 2 V rms = full scale, 1 MΩ Input Impedance for ferro CTs, low impedance for Flexi-CTs
Measuring method Simultaneous digital sampling of voltage and current. Digital PLL synchronized sampling, internal frequency reference used during voltage drops.
Synchronization and sampling PLL-synchronization source The PLL synchronizes to the A-N voltage for wye power types, and to the A-B voltage for delta power types. All listed power types can be characterized as either wye or delta.
PLL lock range 42.5 to 69 Hz
Sampling frequency Voltage and current: 256 samples/cycle Inter-harmonics per IEC 61000-4-7: 2 560 points/10 cycles (50 Hz), 3072 points/12 cycles (60 Hz) Transient Voltage: 5 MHz
A/D resolution Voltage and current: 24 bits
Transient voltage: 14 bits
Voltage and current measurements Voltage measurement range AC voltage: 1000 V rms ±10% over range
DC voltage: ±1000 V + 10% over range
Voltage crest factor 3 or less
Current measurement range Depends on current probe used
Current crest factor 4 or less
RMS voltage Measurement type True rms calculated continuously: every cycle, every 1/2 cycle, and every 10 or 12 cycles at 50 or 60 Hz respectively, as required by IEC 61000-4-30.
Measurement uncertainty AC: ±0.2% reading ±0.1% full scale, above 50 V rms
DC: ±0.5% reading ±0.2% full scale, above 50 V dc
RMS current Measurement type True RMS calculated continuously: every cycle, every 1/2 cycle, and every 10 or 12 cycles at 50 or 60 Hz respectively, as required by standards
Transient voltage (impulse) Measurement type Waveshape sampling
Full scale 8000 V pk
Sample resolution 200 nS
Measurement uncertainty ±5% reading ±20 V (test parameters: 1000 V DC, 1000 V rms, 100 kHz)
Voltage swell (rms swell) Measurement type True RMS (one cycle calculation by overlapping each half cycle – voltage between lines is measured for 3P3W lines and phase voltage is measured for 3P4W lines)
Displayed data Amplitude and duration of swell
Measurement Same as rms voltage
Voltage dip (rms sag) Measurement type True RMS (one cycle calculation by overlapping each half cycle – voltage between lines is measured for 3P3W lines and phase voltage is measured for 3P4W lines)
Displayed data Amplitude and duration of dip or interruption
Measurement Same as rms voltage
Voltage dropout (interruption) Measurement type Same as voltage dip
LAN interface Connector RJ-45
Speed and type 10/100 Base-T, auto MDIX
Communications protocol TCP/IP over Ethernet
Wireless controller interface Connection wireless (2.4 GHz radio)
Speed up to 700 kbit/second
Communications protocol Bluetooth SPP
Power Measurements
Power, battery life Measurement type True RMS calculated continuously: every cycle, and every 10 or 12 cycles at 50 or 60 Hz respectively, as required by standards
Frequency Measurement range 42.5 to 69 Hz
Measurement source Same as PLL synchronization source
Measurement accuracy ±10 mHz (10 to 110% of range, with sine wave)
Power factor Measurement range 0.000 to 1.000
Measurement accuracy ±1 digit from the calculation of each measured value (±3 digits for total)
Displacement power factor Measurement method Calculated from the phase difference between voltage fundamental and current fundamental
Measurement range – 1.000 (leading) to + 1.000 (lagging)
Measurement accuracy ±0.5% reading ±2% full scale ±1 digit
Voltage unbalance and phase sequence Measurement method Positive sequence voltage divided by negative sequence voltage, per IEC 61000-4-30
Harmonic voltage and current Analysis window rectangular
Analysis order 1st to 50th order
Measurement accuracy Voltage / Current: 1st to 20th orders: ±0.5% reading ±0.2% full scale, 21st to 50th orders: ±1% reading ±0.3% full scale (current sensor accuracy must be included for current and power)
Measurement method IEC 61000-4-7
Inter-harmonic voltage and current (intermediate harmonics) Analysis window rectangular
Analysis orders 1.5 to 49.5th order
Measurement method IEC 61000-4-7
Flicker Measurement method IEC 61000-4-15
Plt for 2 hours and Pst for 10 minutes
Measuring range 0,1 to 5 (25) depending on voltage level, modulation and frequency
Environmental Specifications
Environmental Operating environment Indoors or in covered area outdoors, up to 2,000 m altitude
Storage temperature and humidity -20°C to 50°C, 80% RH max, non-condensing
Operating temperature and humidity 0°C to 40°C, 80% RH max, non-condensing
Maximum rated working voltage Voltage terminals 1100 V rms
Voltage durability 5550 V rms AC for 1 minute, between voltage input terminals, voltage input terminals and current probes, and voltage input terminals and case (50/60 Hz, 1 mA sense current)
Enclosure protection IP30 (per EN 60529)
Standards EMC EN 61326-1:1997+A1:1998 Class A
EN 61000-3-2:1995+A1:1998+A2:1998
EN 61000-3-3:1995
  Safety EN 61010-1 2 nd Edition; 2 000
Voltage input unit: Contamination Level 2 , Overvoltage Category 1000 V CAT III, 600 V CAT IV (anticipated overvoltage: 8000 V)





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    - 수집항목: 이름, 연락처, 이메일, 주소
    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
    - 이용기간: 원칙적으로 개인정보 수집 및 이용목적이 달성된 후에는 해당 정보를 지체 없이 파기합니다.
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