리퍼비시 계측기
Differential TDR Module
HP 54750A Mainframe Specifications
• 62.5-fs Resolution
• 10-ps Accuracy
Time Base (Horizontal)
Scale Factor (Fullscale is 10 divisions)
Minimum 10 ps/division
Maximum 1 s/division
Delay (Time offset relative to trigger)
Minimum 22 ns
Maximum 1000 screen diameters or 10 seconds,
whichever is smaller
Time Interval ≤ 10 ps ±0.1% of reading
Accuracy (Dual marker measurement)
Time Interval ≤ (screen diameter) / (record length)
Resolution or 62.5 fs, whichever is larger
Trigger-External Input Only
dc to 100 MHz 40 mV peak-to-peak
100 MHz to 2.5 GHz Increasing linearly from 40 mV at 100 MHz
to 200 mV at 2.5 GHz
Pulse Width Required >200 ps
Pulse Amplitude Required >200 mV
Bandwidth Trigger bandwidth reduced to
Limit approximately 100 MHz
(trigger and ≤ 2.5 ps + 5E-5 x delay setting
time base (Tested using a 2.5-GHz synthesized source
combined) at 200 mV)
(one standard deviation)
Trigger Input:
Maximum safe ±2 Vdc
Input Voltage
Nominal 50 Ω
Percent Reflection ≤ 10% for 100-ps rise time [1]
Connector 3.5mm (m)
Calibrator Adjustable Output range: –2.5 V to +2.5 V
when terminated into 50 Ω
Output Delta Voltage Accuracy:
±(0.2% of settings)
[1] With non TDR plug-ins, ≤10% for 200 ps rise time with TDR plug-ins (HP 54754A and 54755A).