리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기


  • ModelSR5500M
  • MakerSprient
  • DescriptionWireless Channel Emulator
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망
  • The SR5500 emulates wideband radio channel characteristics such as time-varying multi-path delay spread, fast fading, shadow fading and channel loss for advanced receiver implementations using diversity, beamforming and MIMO
  • Optional configurations let you stick to your budget without risk. Systems are always fully upgradeable to our most powerful modular configuration
  • Spirent’s exclusive Fading Lab lets you create a repeatable RF environment from data sets, whether captured on channel-sounding equipment or generated in software
  • An advanced fading engine ensures accurate testing of sophisticated technologies like E-UTRA (LTE), HSPA, HSPA+, EV-DO, WLAN and WiMAX
  • Spirent’s exclusive DEE gives you the flexibility to quickly and easily turn simple spreadsheets into complex RF scenarios ready to use for testing
RF Inputs

2 (inter-unit synchronization allows up to 8)

RF Outputs

2 (inter-unit synchronization allows up to 8)

Digital Channels

2 per unit (expandable to 8 with MIMO Option)

RF Configurations

SISO, SIMO, MISO, MIMO (2×2, 2×4, 4×2, 4×4, 8×2 uni- or bi-directional), and Beamforming


26 MHz

RF Input

Frequency Range: 400 – 2700 MHz
(w/ 6-GHz-EX option): 3300 – 3850 MHz, 4100 – 6000 MHz

Level Range: +5 to -32 dBm @ 400 to 2700 MHz
(w/ 6-GHz-EX option): -5 to -32 dBm @ 3300 to 3850 MHz
(w/ 6-GHz-EX option): -5 to -32 dBm @ 4100 to 6000 MHz

Level Resolution: 0.1 dB

Damage Level: > +20 dBm

Input Power Meter
  • Continuous mode
  • RF Burst-triggering mode for gated signals
  • Settable duty cycle mode
RF Output level Range: -30 to -110 dBm @ 400 to 2700 MHz
(w/ 6-GHz-EX option): -35 to -110 dBm @ 3300 to 3850 MHz
(w/ 6-GHz-EX option): -40 to -80 dBm @ 4100 to 6000 MHz
Resolution: 0.1 dB
Accuracy: +/-1 dB
Residual EVM

Better than -36 dB typical per sub-carrier, measured at -50 dBm output power; actual value depends upon signal format, symbol rate, etc.


Better than 1.5:1

Independent Paths

up to 24 paths per channel (384 total paths)

Relative Path Delay

0 – 2000 µs, 0.1 ns resolution

Relative Path Loss

0 – 32 dB

Dynamic Power Delay Profiles
  • Birth-death, Sliding (moving propagation)
  • Supports dynamic change of path number, relative power and delay
  • High-Speed Train (HST) profiles
Dynamic Environment Emulation

Controllable Parameters
State duration, channel output level, AWGN on/off, C/N, path on/off, relative power and delay, LOS AoA, K factor, frequency shift, Doppler velocity, MIMO branch phase and power imbalance.

Channel Model Update Rate
100 times per second

MIMO, dual and single channel mode; RX and TX diversity modes

Triggered Play, Free Run

Standards-Based Models

LTE, WiMAX, UMTS, CDMA2000®, WLAN, GSM, and pre-standard models available from Customer Service Center

Other Models


Fading Engine Type

Real-time generation of fading environment


Types: Rayleigh, Rician, freq shift, phase shift

Fading Velocity: 0.1 to 2398.33 km/h @ 900 MHz; Resolution of 0.1 km/h

Repetition Interval: > 24 hours

Relative Phase: 0 – 360 degrees, 0.1 degree resolution

Rician K factor: -30 to +30 dB

Level Crossing Rate (LCR) Accuracy: < * 2.5% deviation from theoretical LCR curve of the simulated vehicle velocity

Fading Power Spectrum: Classical 6 dB, Flat, Classical 3 dB, Rounded, Rounded 12 dB

Correlation: Envelope and Component; Complex correlation is included with MIMO option

Log-Normal Fading
  • Fading Rate: 0.00 to 20.00 Hz
  • Standard Deviation: 0 to 12 dB
MIMO Option


Baseline 2×2
Modularly expandable to uni/bi-directional 2×4, 4×2, 4×4

AWGN – option
  • C/N Ratio: -30 to +32 dB
  • Accuracy: +/-0.1 dB for -20 to 15 dB ratios
  • Bandwidth: 26, 13, 6.5, 3.25, 1.625 MHz
  • Fidelity: Meets or exceeds all 3GPP, 3GPP2, WLAN, WiMAX, and LTE requirements
  • Sequence Duration: > 2 hours
  • Settable Modes: C/N, C/No, Eb/No
Fading Data Playback – option

Playback data can be collected (via a channel sounder) or synthesized in software

Control Interface

Ethernet or GPIB


10 MHz internal reference accuracy:
1 ppm, can be locked to external reference

AC Power:
250 watts typical steady state, 45 watt maximum additional for 6 GHz Option

19-inch rack mountable
Height/Width/Depth 8.75”/16.88”/21” (22.22 cm/42.88 cm/53.34 cm)
Weight: 65 pounds (29.5 kg)





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    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
    - 이용기간: 원칙적으로 개인정보 수집 및 이용목적이 달성된 후에는 해당 정보를 지체 없이 파기합니다.
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