리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기


  • ModelET-HDMI-TPA-S
  • MakerTektronix
  • DescriptionFixture for HDMI Type A
  • Rental문의요망
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HDMI compliance test software

Engineers designing and validating the HDMI physical layer of their devices face constant pressure to improve efficiency. Designers need to perform a wide range of compliance tests quickly and reliably right on their bench. HDMI 2.0 supports features like 2160p (also known as Ultra HD/4K 2K 60/50 Hz), operating at 5.94 Gcps apart from 4K 2K 4:2:0, using the same Cat 2 cable and HDMI 1.4b connector. HDMI 1.4a/b introduces Automotive HDMI (Type E) in addition to Mobile HDMI (Type D), HEAC, 3D HDMI, 4K × 2K patterns, and new Calorimetric patterns, all operating up to 3.4 Gb/s.

Option HDM and HDM-DS Advanced Analysis and Compliance Software automates a comprehensive range of tests according to CTS 2.0. TDSHT3 and HT3-DS HDMI Compliance Test Software automate a comprehensive range of tests according to CTS 1.4b – enabling unprecedented efficiency with reliable results. HDMI 1.4b compliance testing is a PREREQUISITE for HDMI 2.0 testing.

The new Option HDM-DSM adds Advanced Analysis and Characterization support for HDMI 2.0 Receiver tests.

  • Conformance to HDMI 2.0 Compliance Test Specification (CTS)
  • Introducing the innovative HDMI protocol analyzer solution for HDMI 1.4b
  • One-box solution for HDMI 1.4b physical-layer and protocol-layer testing
  • Fast, efficient direct synthesis solution
  • Conformance to HDMI 1.4a/b Standards and Compliance Test Specification 1.4a/b (CTS)
  • Complete validation to standards with wide range of tests for source, sink, and cable devices
  • Accurate source tests using precise measurement techniques
  • Dependable sink tests with closed-loop measurements that eliminate nonlinearities in test setup
  • Automation of complex sink and cable tests with remote control of signal sources and software emulation of cable effects, eliminating the need for hardware transition time converters (TTC) and cable emulators
  • Quick results with automatic mask fit, measurements and Pass/Fail notification, and in-depth results with statistical analysis and mask margins
  • Quick testing with one-button selection of multiple tests and CSV-format test summary and reports
  • Comprehensive HDMI 2.0/1.4a/b solution including test fixtures, DPO/DSA/MSO70000 real-time oscilloscopes, P7313SMA differential probes, AWG70000/7000 signal sources, HDMI fixtures, and DSA8300 sampling oscilloscopes





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    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
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