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리퍼비시 계측기

SMJ100A – B10 B13 B106 K6 K240 K242 K243 K245 K246 K247 K248 K254 K255

  • ModelSMJ100A
  • MakerR&S
  • DescriptionVector Signal Generator, 100 kHz to 6 GHz
  • OptionB10 B13 B106 K6 K240 K242 K243 K245 K246 K247 K248 K254 K255
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망

The R&S SMJ100A meets all challenges that diverse applications place on modern vector signal generators. For example, it offers the signal quality and flexibility required in research and development – not to mention a convenient graphical user interface (GUI). And this is by no means all the R&S SMJ100A has to offer – a fact that becomes evident in production, where it excels with its flexible baseband and low setting times. The baseband meets all requirements, from providing realtime signals to replaying precalculated waveforms.

Intuitive operation
• Color display with 800 x 600 pixels (SVGA format)
• Intuitive user interface with graphical display of signal flow (block diagram)
• Graphical display of baseband signals through built-in transient recorder
• Context-sensitive help system
Outstanding signal quality
• I/Q modulator with 200 MHz RF bandwidth
• Very low SSB phase noise of typ. –133 dBc (f = 1 GHz, 20 kHz carrier offset, 1 Hz measurement bandwidth)
• Wideband noise of typ. –153 dBc (CW, f = 1 GHz, >5 MHz carrier offset, 1 Hz measurement bandwidth)
• Excellent ACLR performance of typ. +69 dB with 3GPP FDD (test model 1, 64 DPCH)
• Very high level repeatability of typ. 0.05 dB
• High-stability reference oscillator as standard
Unrivaled flexibility
• Four code channels in realtime for 3GPP FDD
• Change of modulation from slot to slot for GSM/EDGE
• Baseband generator with universal coder for realtime signal generation
• Arbitrary waveform generator with 16/64 Msample for I and Q and multisegment support
• Arbitrary waveform generator supported by Simulation Software R&S WinIQSIMTM
• Internal 30 Gbyte hard disk as standard for storing waveforms and modulation data
Ideal for production
• Very short frequency setting times (<5 ms); only <450 µs in List mode
• Electronic attenuator up to 6 GHz over the full level range
Convenient connections
• Remote control via GPIB and LAN
• Three USB connectors for keyboard, mouse and memory stick
• User-selectable trigger and marker signals

B106 100 kHz to 6 GHz

B10 Baseband Generator with ARB (64 Msample) and Digital Modulation (realtime)

B13 Baseband Main Module

K6 Pulse Sequencer
K240 Digital Standard GSM/EDGE
K242 Digital Standard 3GPP FDD
K243 3GPP Enhanced MS/BS Tests incl. HSDPA
K245 Digital Standard HSUPA
K246 Digital Standard CDMA2000® 1) incl. 1 × EV-DV
K247 Digital Standard 1xEV-DO
K248 Digital Standard IEEE 802.11 (a/b/g)
K254 Digital Standard IEEE 802.11n
K255 Digital Standard EUTRA/LTE






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    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
    - 이용기간: 원칙적으로 개인정보 수집 및 이용목적이 달성된 후에는 해당 정보를 지체 없이 파기합니다.
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