리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기


  • ModelGPIB-USB-HS
  • MakerNI
  • DescriptionGPIB Instrument Control Device, GPIB-USB-HS, USB 2.0, NI-488.2, Linux
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The GPIB-USB-HS+ is an IEEE 488 controller and portable analyser device for computers with USB slots. You can use this device to integrate an instrument into your system using GPIB as well as to troubleshoot and solve GPIB hardware and software problems. The GPIB-USB-HS+ achieves maximum IEEE 488.2 performance. With no GPIB cable required for instrument connection, you can use the Hi-Speed USB port to control up to 14 programmable GPIB instruments. The improved design allows for size compatibility with almost every instrument, adds analyser functionality, and reduces the overhead to generate faster turnaround times in your application. The device includes a license for the NI-488.2 driver software, providing maximum reliability for connecting to third-party instruments with GPIB.

: GPIB Instrument Control Device
: 56.4844Mbps
: USB 2.0
: Linux





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    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
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