리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기


  • ModelE6650A
  • MakerKeysight
  • DescriptionWireless Test Set
  • OptionWin7 506 5LF B40 BTS RFO SRC V9060A-2FP V9065B-1FP V9082A-1FP V9082B-1FP
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망

Wireless Test Set

Reduce overall test time – See the latest enhancements

  • Handle high volumes with multi-DUT testing and parallel, sequential and hybrid methods in one chassis
  • Get ultra-fast processing and data transfers with a quad-core controller and high-bandwidth PXIe backplane
  • Test faster with advanced sequencing and single-acquisition multiple measurements (SAMM)
  • Scalable design allows up to 4 TRX per chassis to enable parallel testing of multiple femtocells; up to 6 GHz with 80/160-MHz bandwidth on each TRX

Easily test multi-format femtocell designs

  • Test WLAN 802.11a/b/g/j/p/n/ac

Get up and running faster with validated cellular and WLAN chipsets

  • Simplify test automation with standardized SCPI commands and reference drivers
  • Apply proven solutions to each line that produces femtocells using supported chipsets


  • Receiver EVM for 160 MHz 802.11ac: ≤ –43 dB (typical)
  • Absolute level accuracy, 380 MHz to 3.8 GHz: ≤ ±0.2 dB (typical)
  • Output power range, 380 MHz to 6 GHz: +5 to –130 dBm (typical)

As small cells take off, keeping pace with growing demand and aggressive schedules is easier when you have access to deeper resources. The EXF is the industry’s first one-box tester dedicated to femtocell manufacturing, and it’s validated with the latest cellular and WLAN chipsets. It also delivers the speed, performance and scalability you need to ramp up rapidly and lower your cost of test

E6650A-506:380 MHz to 6.0 GHz 

E6650-5LF:All RF ports (options are per TRX module) 380 MHz 

E6650A-B40: Maximum bandwidth Up to 40 MHz analysis bandwidth 

E6650A-BTS:Base. Transceiver Station

E6650A-SRC:Select Periodic Trigger Sync Source 


V9060A-2FP:String length is a maximum of 255 characters. 

V9065B-1FP:Downlink sequence analyzer on EXF

V9082B-1FP:LTE TDD measurement application






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    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
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